On Mon, 6 Sep 2010, Gleb Kurtsou wrote:

> I would like to ask for feedback on a kernel level stacked cryptographic 
> filesystem. It has started as Summer Of Code'2009 project and matured a lot 
> since then. I've recently added support for sparse files and switched to XTS 
> encryption mode.
> I've been using it to encrypt my home directory for almost a year already, 
> and use fsx, dbench and blogbench for testing. So it should be fairly 
> stable.
> Tested on top of ZFS, UFS and tmpfs on amd64 and i386; both 9-CURRENT and 
> 8-STABLE supported.
> Please email me separately if you're willing to help testing on big endian 
> machine, XTS code doesn't look endian correct.
> At this point all of the project goals complete and I'd like it to get wider 
> coverage in terms of tests and reviews and hope to see it commited to HEAD 
> soon.

I've got to ask a probably dumb question...how is this better then geli
encrypted objects? I've used them for sometime with excellent results.

Or does it provide functionality that geli does not?
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: ober...@es.net                  Phone: +1 510 486-8634
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