On Tuesday 31 August 2010 16:59:15 Pawel Jakub Dawidek wrote:
> Hello.
> I'd like to give you ZFS v28 for testing. If you are neither brave nor
> mad, you can stop here.
> The patchset is very experimental. It can eat your cookie and hurt your
> teddy bear, so be warned. Don't try it for anything except testing.
> This patchset is also a message we, as the FreeBSD project, would like
> to send to our users: Eventhough OpenSolaris is dead, the ZFS file
> system is going to stay in FreeBSD. At this point we have quite a few
> developers involved in ZFS on FreeBSD as well as serveral companies.
> We are also looking forward to work with IllumOS.
> So, what this new ZFS brings?
> - Data deduplication. Read more here:
>       http://blogs.sun.com/bonwick/entry/zfs_dedup
> - Triple parity RAIDZ (RAIDZ3). Read more here:
>       http://dtrace.org/blogs/ahl/2009/07/21/triple-parity-raid-z/
> - zfs diff. Read more here:
>       http://arc.opensolaris.org/caselog/PSARC/2010/105/20100328_tim.haley
> - zpool split. Read more here:
>       http://arc.opensolaris.org/caselog/PSARC/2009/511/20090924_mark.musante
> - Snapshot holds. Read more here:
>       http://arc.opensolaris.org/caselog/PSARC/2009/297/20090511_chris.kirby
> - zpool import -F. Allows to rewind corrupted pool to earlier
>   transaction group.
> - Possibility to import pool in read-only mode.
> And much, much more, including plenty of preformance improvements and bug
> fixes.
> So test whatever you can and report back. Look for regressions, strange
> behaviour, missing features, deadlocks, livelocks, preformance
> degradation, etc.
> The boot code is not updated at all, so booting off of ZFS doesn't
> currently work.
> The patch is against today's FreeBSD HEAD.
> The patch enables (in sys/modules/zfs/Makefile) ZFS internal debugging,
> please don't turn it off. Also, compile your kernel with the following
> options:
>       options         KDB
>       options         DDB
>       options         INVARIANTS
>       options         INVARIANT_SUPPORT
>       options         WITNESS
>       options         WITNESS_SKIPSPIN
>       options         DEBUG_LOCKS
>       options         DEBUG_VFS_LOCKS
> Ignore all the LOR (Lock Order Reversal) reports from WITNESS. There will
> be plenty of those, and you'll desperately want to report them, but please
> don't.
> The best way to report a problem is to answer to this e-mail with as short
> as possible procedure of how to reproduce it and debugging info. I'd
> prefer textdump if possible. Below you can find quick procedure how to
> setup textdumps:
>       Choose spare/swap disk/partition in your system, let's say it is
>       /dev/ad0s1b.
>       Add the following line to /etc/fstab:
>               /dev/ad0s1b     none    swap    sw      0       0
>       Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf:
>               ddb_enable="YES"
>       Run the following commands:
>               # /etc/rc.d/swap1 start
>               # /etc/rc.d/dumpon start
>               # /etc/rc.d/ddb start
>       This will setup swap, mark it as dump device and setup some DDB
>       scripts. Or you can just reboot.
>       Now when your system panic or deadlock, enter DDB and call the
>       following command:
>               ddb> run kdb.enter.panic
>       It will execute all the commands I need, dump them in text format to
>       your swap device and reboot machine.
>       After the reboot, you should find textdump.tar.0 file in /var/crash/
>       directory. This is the debug info I need.
> End of textdumps procedure.
> Ok, now that I know you read everything carefully, here is the patch:
>       http://people.freebsd.org/~pjd/patches/zfs_20100831.patch.bz2
> Good luck! >:>

I get the following error from make buildworld after applying the patch.  I 
checked twice to make sure the patch applied cleanly, which it did.  

cc -O2 -pipe -
I/usr/src/cddl/usr.bin/ctfconvert/../../../sys/cddl/compat/opensolaris  -
I/usr/src/cddl/usr.bin/ctfconvert/../../../cddl/compat/opensolaris/include  -
I/usr/src/cddl/usr.bin/ctfconvert/../../../cddl/contrib/opensolaris  -
I/usr/src/cddl/usr.bin/ctfconvert/../../../sys/cddl/contrib/opensolaris  -
I/usr/src/cddl/usr.bin/ctfconvert/../../../cddl/contrib/opensolaris/head  -
-DNEED_SOLARIS_BOOLEAN -g -std=gnu89  -Wno-unknown-pragmas -
I/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/include  -static -
L/usr/obj/usr/src/tmp/legacy/usr/lib -o ctfconvert alist.o ctf.o ctfconvert.o 
dwarf.o fixup_tdescs.o hash.o iidesc.o input.o list.o memory.o merge.o 
output.o st_parse.o stabs.o stack.o strtab.o symbol.o tdata.o traverse.o 
util.o -lctf -ldwarf -lelf -lz -lpthread -legacy
strtab.o(.text+0x109): In function `strtab_print':
undefined reference to `MIN'
strtab.o(.text+0x28d): In function `strtab_insert':
undefined reference to `MIN'
undefined reference to `MIN'
*** Error code 1
1 error
*** Error code 2
1 error
*** Error code 2
1 error
*** Error code 2
1 error

# uname -a
FreeBSD head.tcbug.org 9.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT #3: Tue Aug 31 16:30:57 
UTC 2010     r...@head.tcbug.org:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/HEAD  amd64


Josh Paetzel
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