Daniel Eischen wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, John Polstra wrote:
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > Daniel Eischen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, John Polstra wrote:
> > >
> > > > Shouldn't the test against PS_SUSPENDED be "==" instead of "!="?
> > >
> > > Yes, it should be "==" instead of "!=".
> > >
> > > Go ahead and fix it if you want :-)
> >
> > Thanks.  I'll ask Jordan if I may commit the fix.
> >
> > What about the other part of my question?  I still don't understand
> > why in my test program pthread_suspend_np() isn't suspending the
> > thread.  I think it's a separate bug from the pthread_resume_np() bug.
> Sorry, it was very late here and I missed that part.
> I see the problem.  pthread_suspend_np is broke in that it only will
> work if the thread is running (PS_RUNNING).  Your program is always
> trying to suspend a thread that is sleeping (PS_SLEEP_WAIT) so changing
> the state with PTHREAD_NEW_STATE fails.
> The fix isn't as easy as just correctly setting the threads state.
> Potentially, the suspended thread could be waiting on a mutex or
> condition variable and be in another queue.  The correct fix is
> probably to save the threads old state and then set the threads state
> to PS_SUSPENDED.  Resuming should restore the saved thread state.
> I'll see if I can come up with a correct fix for this.

Here's a quick fix.  It also includes a simple fix for pthread_kill that
src/libc_r/uthread/test/sigwait/sigwait.c will expose.

I haven't run any other regression tests.  I'll do that when I get
some more time.  Jason, can you also take a look at these changes and
run some tests on them?


Dan Eischen
Index: pthread_private.h
RCS file: /opt/b/CVS/src/lib/libc_r/uthread/pthread_private.h,v
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -c -r1.36 pthread_private.h
*** pthread_private.h   2000/01/20 21:53:58     1.36
--- pthread_private.h   2000/03/01 12:49:27
*** 576,581 ****
--- 576,583 ----
  #define PTHREAD_CANCEL_NEEDED         0x0010
        int     cancelflags;
+       int     suspended;
        thread_continuation_t   continuation;
Index: uthread_cancel.c
RCS file: /opt/b/CVS/src/lib/libc_r/uthread/uthread_cancel.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -c -r1.3 uthread_cancel.c
*** uthread_cancel.c    2000/01/19 07:04:45     1.3
--- uthread_cancel.c    2000/03/01 13:44:57
*** 37,42 ****
--- 37,51 ----
                                pthread->cancelflags |= PTHREAD_CANCELLING;
+                       case PS_SUSPENDED:
+                               /*
+                                * This thread isn't in any scheduling
+                                * queues; just change it's state:
+                                */
+                               pthread->cancelflags |= PTHREAD_CANCELLING;
+                               PTHREAD_SET_STATE(pthread, PS_RUNNING);
+                               break;
                        case PS_SPINBLOCK:
                        case PS_FDR_WAIT:
                        case PS_FDW_WAIT:
*** 52,58 ****
                        case PS_WAIT_WAIT:
                        case PS_SIGSUSPEND:
                        case PS_SIGWAIT:
-                       case PS_SUSPENDED:
                                /* Interrupt and resume: */
                                pthread->interrupted = 1;
                                pthread->cancelflags |= PTHREAD_CANCELLING;
--- 61,66 ----
Index: uthread_cond.c
RCS file: /opt/b/CVS/src/lib/libc_r/uthread/uthread_cond.c,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -c -r1.22 uthread_cond.c
*** uthread_cond.c      2000/01/27 23:06:59     1.22
--- uthread_cond.c      2000/03/01 13:03:46
*** 282,289 ****
!               if (interrupted != 0 && _thread_run->continuation != NULL)
!                       _thread_run->continuation((void *) _thread_run);
--- 282,292 ----
!               if (interrupted != 0) {
!                       if (_thread_run->continuation != NULL)
!                               _thread_run->continuation((void *) _thread_run);
!                       rval = EINTR;
!               }
*** 449,456 ****
!               if (interrupted != 0 && _thread_run->continuation != NULL)
!                       _thread_run->continuation((void *) _thread_run);
--- 452,462 ----
!               if (interrupted != 0) {
!                       if (_thread_run->continuation != NULL)
!                               _thread_run->continuation((void *) _thread_run);
!                       rval = EINTR;
!               }
Index: uthread_create.c
RCS file: /opt/b/CVS/src/lib/libc_r/uthread/uthread_create.c,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -c -r1.24 uthread_create.c
*** uthread_create.c    2000/01/19 07:04:46     1.24
--- uthread_create.c    2000/03/01 13:19:53
*** 299,308 ****
                        /* Add the thread to the linked list of all threads: */
                        TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&_thread_list, new_thread, tle);
!                       if (pattr->suspend == PTHREAD_CREATE_SUSPENDED) {
                                new_thread->state = PS_SUSPENDED;
!                               PTHREAD_WAITQ_INSERT(new_thread);
!                       } else {
                                new_thread->state = PS_RUNNING;
--- 299,307 ----
                        /* Add the thread to the linked list of all threads: */
                        TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&_thread_list, new_thread, tle);
!                       if (pattr->suspend == PTHREAD_CREATE_SUSPENDED)
                                new_thread->state = PS_SUSPENDED;
!                       else {
                                new_thread->state = PS_RUNNING;
Index: uthread_kern.c
RCS file: /opt/b/CVS/src/lib/libc_r/uthread/uthread_kern.c,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -c -r1.28 uthread_kern.c
*** uthread_kern.c      2000/01/20 04:46:51     1.28
--- uthread_kern.c      2000/03/01 13:18:35
*** 184,191 ****
                        switch (_thread_run->state) {
                        case PS_DEAD:
                        case PS_STATE_MAX: /* to silence -Wall */
!                                * Dead threads are not placed in any queue:
--- 184,193 ----
                        switch (_thread_run->state) {
                        case PS_DEAD:
                        case PS_STATE_MAX: /* to silence -Wall */
+                       case PS_SUSPENDED:
!                                * Dead and suspended threads are not placed
!                                * in any queue:
*** 227,233 ****
                        case PS_SIGSUSPEND:
                        case PS_SIGTHREAD:
                        case PS_SIGWAIT:
-                       case PS_SUSPENDED:
                        case PS_WAIT_WAIT:
                                /* No timeouts for these states: */
                                _thread_run->wakeup_time.tv_sec = -1;
--- 229,234 ----
Index: uthread_mutex.c
RCS file: /opt/b/CVS/src/lib/libc_r/uthread/uthread_mutex.c,v
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -c -r1.20 uthread_mutex.c
*** uthread_mutex.c     2000/01/19 07:04:49     1.20
--- uthread_mutex.c     2000/03/01 13:00:56
*** 610,617 ****
                 * Check to see if this thread was interrupted and
                 * is still in the mutex queue of waiting threads:
!               if (_thread_run->interrupted != 0)
                        mutex_queue_remove(*mutex, _thread_run);
                /* Unlock the mutex structure: */
--- 610,619 ----
                 * Check to see if this thread was interrupted and
                 * is still in the mutex queue of waiting threads:
!               if (_thread_run->interrupted != 0) {
                        mutex_queue_remove(*mutex, _thread_run);
+                       ret = EINTR;
+               }
                /* Unlock the mutex structure: */
Index: uthread_resume_np.c
RCS file: /opt/b/CVS/src/lib/libc_r/uthread/uthread_resume_np.c,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -c -r1.7 uthread_resume_np.c
*** uthread_resume_np.c 1999/08/28 00:03:44     1.7
--- uthread_resume_np.c 2000/03/01 13:46:54
*** 44,51 ****
        /* Find the thread in the list of active threads: */
        if ((ret = _find_thread(thread)) == 0) {
!               /* The thread exists. Is it suspended? */
!               if (thread->state != PS_SUSPENDED) {
                         * Defer signals to protect the scheduling queues
                         * from access by the signal handler:
--- 44,54 ----
        /* Find the thread in the list of active threads: */
        if ((ret = _find_thread(thread)) == 0) {
!               /* Cancel any pending suspensions: */
!               thread->suspended = 0;
!               /* Is it currently suspended? */
!               if (thread->state == PS_SUSPENDED) {
                         * Defer signals to protect the scheduling queues
                         * from access by the signal handler:
*** 53,59 ****
                        /* Allow the thread to run. */
!                       PTHREAD_NEW_STATE(thread,PS_RUNNING);
                         * Undefer and handle pending signals, yielding if
--- 56,63 ----
                        /* Allow the thread to run. */
!                       PTHREAD_SET_STATE(thread,PS_RUNNING);
!                       PTHREAD_PRIOQ_INSERT_TAIL(thread);
                         * Undefer and handle pending signals, yielding if
Index: uthread_sig.c
RCS file: /opt/b/CVS/src/lib/libc_r/uthread/uthread_sig.c,v
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -c -r1.25 uthread_sig.c
*** uthread_sig.c       2000/01/20 04:46:52     1.25
--- uthread_sig.c       2000/03/01 14:11:30
*** 149,155 ****
                                signal_lock.access_lock = 0;
                        else {
                                sigaddset(&pthread->sigmask, sig);
                                 * Make sure not to deliver the same signal to
                                 * the thread twice.  sigpend is potentially
--- 149,155 ----
                                signal_lock.access_lock = 0;
                        else {
                                sigaddset(&pthread->sigmask, sig);
                                 * Make sure not to deliver the same signal to
                                 * the thread twice.  sigpend is potentially
*** 160,166 ****
                                if (sigismember(&pthread->sigpend, sig))
                                        sigdelset(&pthread->sigpend, sig);
                                signal_lock.access_lock = 0;
                                _thread_sig_deliver(pthread, sig);
                                sigdelset(&pthread->sigmask, sig);
--- 160,166 ----
                                if (sigismember(&pthread->sigpend, sig))
                                        sigdelset(&pthread->sigpend, sig);
                                signal_lock.access_lock = 0;
                                _thread_sig_deliver(pthread, sig);
                                sigdelset(&pthread->sigmask, sig);
*** 461,466 ****
--- 461,467 ----
                case PS_RUNNING:
                case PS_SIGTHREAD:
                case PS_STATE_MAX:
+               case PS_SUSPENDED:
*** 492,498 ****
                case PS_SIGWAIT:
                case PS_SLEEP_WAIT:
                case PS_SPINBLOCK:
-               case PS_SUSPENDED:
                case PS_WAIT_WAIT:
                        if ((pthread->flags & PTHREAD_FLAGS_IN_WAITQ) != 0) {
--- 493,498 ----
*** 628,637 ****
                    !sigismember(&pthread->sigmask, sig)) {
                        /* Perform any state changes due to signal arrival: */
                        thread_sig_check_state(pthread, sig);
-               /* Increment the pending signal count. */
-               sigaddset(&pthread->sigpend,sig);
--- 628,637 ----
                    !sigismember(&pthread->sigmask, sig)) {
                        /* Perform any state changes due to signal arrival: */
                        thread_sig_check_state(pthread, sig);
+               } else {
+                       /* Increment the pending signal count. */
+                       sigaddset(&pthread->sigpend,sig);
Index: uthread_suspend_np.c
RCS file: /opt/b/CVS/src/lib/libc_r/uthread/uthread_suspend_np.c,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -c -r1.7 uthread_suspend_np.c
*** uthread_suspend_np.c        1999/08/28 00:03:53     1.7
--- uthread_suspend_np.c        2000/03/01 13:36:11
*** 36,41 ****
--- 36,43 ----
  #include <pthread.h>
  #include "pthread_private.h"
+ static void   finish_suspension(void *arg);
  /* Suspend a thread: */
  pthread_suspend_np(pthread_t thread)
*** 44,66 ****
        /* Find the thread in the list of active threads: */
        if ((ret = _find_thread(thread)) == 0) {
-               /* The thread exists. Is it running? */
-               if (thread->state != PS_RUNNING &&
-                   thread->state != PS_SUSPENDED) {
-                       /* The thread operation has been interrupted */
-                       _thread_seterrno(thread,EINTR);
-                       thread->interrupted = 1;
-               }
                 * Defer signals to protect the scheduling queues from
                 * access by the signal handler:
!               /* Suspend the thread. */
!               PTHREAD_NEW_STATE(thread,PS_SUSPENDED);
                 * Undefer and handle pending signals, yielding if
                 * necessary:
--- 46,127 ----
        /* Find the thread in the list of active threads: */
        if ((ret = _find_thread(thread)) == 0) {
                 * Defer signals to protect the scheduling queues from
                 * access by the signal handler:
+               switch (thread->state) {
+               case PS_RUNNING:
+                       /*
+                        * Remove the thread from the priority queue and
+                        * set the state to suspended:
+                        */
+                       PTHREAD_PRIOQ_REMOVE(thread);
+                       PTHREAD_SET_STATE(thread, PS_SUSPENDED);
+                       break;
+               case PS_SPINBLOCK:
+               case PS_FDR_WAIT:
+               case PS_FDW_WAIT:
+               case PS_POLL_WAIT:
+               case PS_SELECT_WAIT:
+                       /*
+                        * Remove these threads from the work queue
+                        * and mark the operation as interrupted:
+                        */
+                       if ((thread->flags & PTHREAD_FLAGS_IN_WORKQ) != 0)
+                               PTHREAD_WORKQ_REMOVE(thread);
+                       _thread_seterrno(thread,EINTR);
+                       thread->interrupted = 1;
+                       /* FALLTHROUGH */
+               case PS_SIGTHREAD:
+               case PS_SLEEP_WAIT:
+               case PS_WAIT_WAIT:
+               case PS_SIGSUSPEND:
+               case PS_SIGWAIT:
+                       /*
+                        * Remove these threads from the waiting queue and
+                        * set their state to suspended:
+                        */
+                       PTHREAD_WAITQ_REMOVE(thread);
+                       PTHREAD_SET_STATE(thread, PS_SUSPENDED);
+                       break;
!               case PS_MUTEX_WAIT:
!               case PS_COND_WAIT:
!               case PS_FDLR_WAIT:
!               case PS_FDLW_WAIT:
!               case PS_FILE_WAIT:
!               case PS_JOIN:
!                       /* Mark the thread as suspended: */
!                       thread->suspended = 1;
+                       /*
+                        * Threads in these states may be in queues.
+                        * In order to preserve queue integrity, the
+                        * cancelled thread must remove itself from the
+                        * queue.  Mark the thread as interrupted and
+                        * set the state to running.  When the thread
+                        * resumes, it will remove itself from the queue
+                        * and call the suspension completion routine.
+                        */
+                       thread->interrupted = 1;
+                       _thread_seterrno(thread, EINTR);
+                       PTHREAD_NEW_STATE(thread, PS_RUNNING);
+                       thread->continuation = finish_suspension;
+                       break;
+               case PS_DEAD:
+               case PS_DEADLOCK:
+               case PS_STATE_MAX:
+               case PS_SUSPENDED:
+                       /* Nothing needs to be done: */
+                       break;
+               }
                 * Undefer and handle pending signals, yielding if
                 * necessary:
*** 69,72 ****
--- 130,142 ----
+ static void
+ finish_suspension(void *arg)
+ {
+       if (_thread_run->suspended != 0)
+               _thread_kern_sched_state(PS_SUSPENDED, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ }

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