Your message dated: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 23:49:07 EST
>> Will Andrews wrote:

>One compatability problem would seem to be lack of support for the
>Number Nine I128 board, previously supported in 3.3.*.


Me too! :-)


> This is very
>disappointing, as I've got to use that board to drive my SGI
>1600x1200 LCD display..  I guess I'll be using 3.3.6 a bit longer on
>that machine :-(
>I'd love to be proved wrong, but the release notes for the snapshots
>have been pretty silent on support for this board.

*grumble* Yeh, and I'd like to know why the DGA (specifically, Direct Video)
support the VMware folks kindly provided as patches for haven't made 
it into 3.x yet - I've been  manually patching them in ever since so that I 
can run 'fxtv'...



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