On 25/06/2010 17:32, Daisuke Aoyama wrote:
> Sorry, isboot-0.1.1 was broken under i386 kernel + loader.
> The version 0.1.2 is uploaded in my blog.
> Also I uploaded isboot integrated FreeBSD 7.3 disc1, 8.1-RC1 dics1 and
> making script. Use at your own risk.
> You need only iBFT supported NIC and iSCSI target.

Since I dont have a supported nic, would the iscsi support in gpxe
be enough? (might give it a try if i get time after the weekend.)

> Please see Intel's site about iBFT supported NIC.
> http://www.intel.com/support/network/adapter/pro100/sb/CS-028681.htm
> If you can connect to iSCSI target by NIC BIOS, isboot.ko shows the
> following log.
> In this case, em0 is configured automatically with NIC0 parameter in
> iBFT,
> and you can install FreeBSD to da1 directly and you can boot from da1.
> If you want to try to copy existing FreeBSD, then configure NIC and
> loading isboot.ko via loader.conf or "kldload isboot.ko" from shell.
> Then, use normal way such as dump/restore.
> Note: do not set IP to em0 when installation. it might be a problem.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> iSCSI boot driver version 0.1.2
> IS: Initiator name: iqn.2007-09.jp.ne.peach:pluto
> NIC0: IP address:
> NIC0: Prefix: 24
> NIC0: Gateway:
> NIC0: MAC address: 00:15:17:97:85:ab
> TGT0: Target IP address:
> TGT0: Target Port: 3260
> TGT0: Target LUN: 2
> TGT0: Target name: iqn.2007-09.jp.ne.peach:isboot1
> Boot NIC: em0
> Configure IPv4 by NIC0
> Attempting to login to iSCSI target and scan all LUNs.
> ... cut ...
> da0 at isboot0 bus 0 scbus0 target 0 lun 0
> da0: <FreeBSD iSCSI DISK 0001> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-5 device
> da0: 40960MB (83886080 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 5221C)
> da1 at isboot0 bus 0 scbus0 target 0 lun 2
> da1: <FreeBSD iSCSI DISK 0001> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-5 device
> da1: 10240MB (20971520 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 1305C)
> da2 at isboot0 bus 0 scbus0 target 0 lun 3
> da2: <FreeBSD iSCSI DISK 0001> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-5 device
> da2: 1024MB (2097152 512 byte sectors: 64H 32S/T 1024C)
> ... cut ...
> Boot device: da1
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Download links:
> http://www.peach.ne.jp/archives/isboot/demo/FreeBSD-7.3-RELEASE-amd64-isboot-0.1.2.iso
> http://www.peach.ne.jp/archives/isboot/demo/FreeBSD-7.3-RELEASE-i386-isboot-0.1.2.iso
> http://www.peach.ne.jp/archives/isboot/demo/FreeBSD-8.1-RC1-amd64-isboot-0.1.2.iso
> http://www.peach.ne.jp/archives/isboot/demo/FreeBSD-8.1-RC1-i386-isboot-0.1.2.iso
> http://www.peach.ne.jp/archives/isboot/demo/unionfs-mkisboot.sh
> Try it you self :)
> Daisuke Aoyama
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