On Tue, 25 May 2010 14:18:47 +0200
Gerd Truschinski <g...@truschinski.de> wrote:

> I tried to install the latest 
> FreeBSD-9.0-CURRENT-201005-amd64-bootonly.iso.
> FreeBSD is starting, sysinstall is running.
> I want to install from ftp.freebsd.org. Therefor I try to set the _Media 
> Typ_ in the _Options Editor_.
> I select the only Network Interface, a nfe, no IP6 but DHCP. I get an IP 
> address from my Router and then I get a
> "Cannot resolv hostname ftp.freebsd.org".
> This seems to happen with older snapshots also.
> What could I do. What information did you need?

Looks like there's no name server, although the router should have passed
that info with the other DHCP data.

Look whether there's an option to set a name server (I haven't done an
install for a long time so I can't remember).  If there is you could use, which is a Google name server which works quite well (and it's
easy to remember).

Gary Jennejohn
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