Mike Nowlin wrote:
> Agreed, but this may be quite a project...  doing a "cd ~bob" would be
> fun.  :)  You would pretty much have to implement some timing
> requirements, but I imagine that it could bulk up that section of the
> kernel pretty easily.

Yep. I started to hack something like this into sio.c in the days
of 2.1, then the need disappeared for a while and I never completed

> One thing that might help (assuming you CAN
> generate a break) is to watch DCD (or some other control line(s)).

Yes. (DSR also jumps to mind.)

> Generally, when a break is sent intentionally, the DCD line is active --
> when the kernel detects a break, wait until after it's finished, then
> check DCD.  If it's high, drop to debugger.  If it's low, somebody either
> turned the terminal off or dropped outta kermit.

Excellent idea.

> (I have the displeasure of maintaining an AIX box that does something
> similar to this.  Before the upgrade that fixed this problem, turning off
> the serial console brought the whole machine down.)

Suns tend to do it too. Great fun when patch-monkeys disturb the
cable to the console... :-)
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