Thanks. End of discussion. If I am able to tidy up parts of PAO I will do
just that. 

On Sun, 30 May 1999, Joe Abley wrote:

> On Sat, May 29, 1999 at 11:59:35PM -0700, wrote:
> > That is the kind of response I like. I don't appreciate being flamed for a
> > reasonable question about something that is not documented in an obvious
> > place.
> Check the archives for freebsd-current, freebsd-hackers and freebsd-mobile.
> They're easy to find from, and contain numerous extensive
> threads with all the details.
> If you _do_ look for these, you will easily see how (a) the apparently
> hostile responses you got were, in fact, quite mild and (b) why nobody
> is eager to start another discussion on the subject.
> I think the correct way of asking "why doesn't someone roll PAO into
> current" is "I have taken aspect X of APM/PCMCIA/whatever support from
> PAO, and tidied it up for CURRENT -- the patch is attached, please test".
> Joe
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