On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Udo Erdelhoff wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 27, 2000 at 02:05:51PM -0800, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> > > [des manpages lost]
> > We probably should revive these. OpenSSL 0.9.5 has a complete set of
> > manpages, and I hope to import it shortly after the release, but for
> > 4.0-REL we should keep these.
> What about importing the OpenSSL 0.9.5 manpages instead? If you revive the
> old des manpages for 4.0-REL and import OpenSSL 0.9.5 after 4.0-REL but
> before the creation of the 4.x-stable branch, we'll end up with two sets
> of des-related manpages in /usr/share/man/something. That's a landmine.

The OpenSSL API has changed a fair bit since 0.9.4 - not substantially,
but in a lot of little ways. I think it would be more confusing for
someone to read about functions and function semantics which don't exist
in our version. Frankly, most of the people who install 4.0 are likely to
install 4.1 because it's a start-of-life branch which will take a while to
settle down, so it will be corrected properly soon enough.

As for the DES manpages being orphaned by a later upgrade, thats the kind
of thing which happens in any FreeBSD upgrade..if you dont do a clean
install, you'll have old bits lying around.

> "legal" missing references). I'll create PRs and patches to give Nik and the
> doc team a chance to fix at least some of them before 4.0-REL.

Better make it quick :-)


"How many roads must a man walk down, before you call him a man?"
"That was a rhetorical question!"
"Oh..then, seven!" -- Homer Simpson

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