On Wed, 26 May 1999, Eric Haug wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a pr440fx dual PPro system with 132Mb.
> I replaced memory and was testing memory with a short program
> (included below) and decided to try to kill it
> keyboard signals did change what the system was doing
> in that the swapping that was occurring stopped.
> kill -9 PID did not have the usual effect.

> #define L 32
> long j[L][1024][1024];

Hm... a long is 4 bytes, right?  So if I'm doing my math right, you issued
a request for 128MB of RAM with this declaration, then touched each page.
This means that the VM system has to allocate space for all that.  This is
hammering your swap more than your memory. :)  The kernel will complete
the alloc request (and subsequent VM ops) then kill the program, then swap
everything back in.  It should clear after it gets done swapping.

For a more effective memory test, try 'make -j8 world' a few times in

Doug White                               
Internet:  dwh...@resnet.uoregon.edu    | FreeBSD: The Power to Serve
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