On 26 May 99, at 3:50, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:

> Unless I hear unanimous fierce outcry against it, I'm strongly
> considering making FTP_PASSIVE_MODE obsolete by virtue of being the
> default for all tools/libraries which currently examine it.
> FTP_ACTIVE_MODE will be the new flag for toggling the previous
> behavior.
> Given the state of the Internet today, I think this is purely a
> sensible change in defaults.  Comments?

It would surely simplify some things.  If you are using a firewall, you'll 
need passive mode.  If you're not using a firewall, passive mode won't 
bother you one bit.

For the argument that some ftp servers don't accept passive mode, I say 
it's a question of numbers: which default setting will satisfy the 
greatest number of people?  which setting will reduce the number of 
questions "how do I do X"?
Dan Langille - DVL Software Limited
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