> > > Therefore it *MAY* be possible to make a DOS 6.0, 6.20 or even 6.22
> > > boot floppy which runs FBSDBOOT.EXE to boot your a.out FreeBSD kernel
> > > and hence the whole system.
> > 
> > Obviously it makes no sense at all to make special DOS boot floppy with 
> > older DOS
> > just to run FBSDBOOT - it simply enough to make "native" FreeBSD boot 
> > floppy with
> > /boot/loader and hacked /boot/loader.conf to boot kernel from your hard 
> > drive, so it
> > seems that FBSDBOOT now totally useless :(
> > 
> > Sincerely,
> > 
> > Maxim
> > 
> Why can't we make a copy of the vector table and save to file and have
> fbsdboot use the table from the file?

How do we get this vector table in the first place?

How do we keep it updated?

\\  The mind's the standard       \\  Mike Smith
\\  of the man.                   \\  msm...@freebsd.org
\\    -- Joseph Merrick           \\  msm...@cdrom.com

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