So this is in addition to the uintptr_t definition of udev_t or 
without it ?

Either way, I'll be in Rome for the rest of the week (in all
likelyhood that is, the usual last-second gottchas have not been
resolved yet :-) so I will not be able to test it myself.  So if
it works commit it.

(If anybody in Rome wants to arrange a FreeBSD pow-wow one of the
evenings this week let me know, I'll read email until tomorrow


In message <>, Doug
 Rabson writes:

>This alternative patch seems to fix things (and its probably more
>Index: sys/user.h
>RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/sys/user.h,v
>retrieving revision 1.20
>diff -u -r1.20 user.h
>--- user.h     1999/01/26 02:38:11     1.20
>+++ user.h     1999/05/17 10:55:26
>@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
>               pid_t   e_ppid;                 /* parent process id */
>               pid_t   e_pgid;                 /* process group id */
>               short   e_jobc;                 /* job control counter */
>-              dev_t   e_tdev;                 /* controlling tty dev */
>+              udev_t  e_tdev;                 /* controlling tty dev */
>               pid_t   e_tpgid;                /* tty process group id */
>               struct  session *e_tsess;       /* tty session pointer */
> #define       WMESGLEN        7
>Index: kern/kern_proc.c
>RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/kern/kern_proc.c,v
>retrieving revision 1.50
>diff -u -r1.50 kern_proc.c
>--- kern_proc.c        1999/05/11 19:54:29     1.50
>+++ kern_proc.c        1999/05/17 10:55:17
>@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@
>       if ((p->p_flag & P_CONTROLT) &&
>           (ep->e_sess != NULL) &&
>           ((tp = ep->e_sess->s_ttyp) != NULL)) {
>-              ep->e_tdev = tp->t_dev;
>+              ep->e_tdev = dev2udev(tp->t_dev);
>               ep->e_tpgid = tp->t_pgrp ? tp->t_pgrp->pg_id : NO_PID;
>               ep->e_tsess = tp->t_session;
>       } else

Poul-Henning Kamp             FreeBSD coreteam member               "Real hackers run -current on their laptop."
FreeBSD -- It will take a long time before progress goes too far!

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