On Sat, May 15, 1999 at 01:13:27PM -0700, Matthew Jacob wrote:
> Let me know how it goes...
Quite well, thank you :)

jos:/home/jos# restore -ivb 64
Verify tape and initialize maps
Dump   date: Wed May 12 23:36:39 1999
Dumped from: the epoch
Level 0 dump of / on jos.bugworks.com:/dev/da2s1a
Label: none
Extract directories from tape
Initialize symbol table.
restore > ls
   2 ./          6028 cdrom/       384 home@         16 root/
   2 ../           34 compat@     1018 kernel      6045 sbin/
6124 .kde/          3 dev/         181 kernel.ok      4 stand/
 241 .profile      14 dist/       1027 kernel.old  1022 sys@
 408 COPYRIGHT   6046 dos/        6030 mnt/          31 tmp/
6029 bin/        6019 etc/        6047 modules/    6016 usr/
  32 boot/       6059 floppy/       13 proc/       6017 var/

restore > quit

> Well, I'll recheck mine...

It'd be interesting to see if you (and others) can reproduce this too.

Jos Backus                          _/ _/_/_/  "Reliability means never
                                   _/ _/   _/   having to say you're sorry."
                                  _/ _/_/_/             -- D. J. Bernstein
                             _/  _/ _/    _/
jos.bac...@nl.origin-it.com  _/_/  _/_/_/      use Std::Disclaimer;

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