On Wed, 12 May 1999, John Birrell wrote:

> Doug Rabson wrote:
> > I've put an initial version of my hack for debugging FreeBSD user threads
> > with gdb up on http://www.freebsd.org/~dfr/uthread.diff. Comments would be
> > appreciated.
> Is the uniqueid really necessary when the address of the thread structure
> is already unique within the process address space? After all, that's
> what the thread ID is (a pointer to the malloc'd memory).
> I have the feeling that there needs to be some way to discover if the
> version of gdb being used is compatible with the version of libc_r that
> the program is linked against. Otherwise we end up with a similar
> problem to the all too familiar "struct proc size mismatch".

I didn't want to use the address since it might cause confusion if a
thread was freed and then the memory was re-allocated to create a new

I thought about the versioning but I don't think it will be a problem in
practice since both uthread and gdb will generally be built by a single
'make world'.

Doug Rabson                             Mail:  d...@nlsystems.com
Nonlinear Systems Ltd.                  Phone: +44 181 442 9037

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