On Sun, May 9, 1999, Brian Somers wrote:
> [.....]
> >    I'm using the 3.1R PPP right now, until the problem is
> > resolved.  I'm sending a problem report, as well.
> It should be resolved now.  A NULL mbuf value is valid - it just 
> means that there's nothing in it.  I changed fsm_Input() with the 

   Wouldn't it be better for *bp to be NULL instead of bp?

> last commits, and didn't notice the MBUF_CTOP(bp) calls that you 
> pointed out :-(

   I hadn't looked into MBUF_CTOP, else I would have had enough
of a grasp of the actual problem-causing code to at least find
out what the problem was, if not fix it.

> MBUF_CTOP is now more robust, as are all the fsm functions and 
> mbuf_Prepend() (which would have died when doing protocol rejects).
> > -- 
> > Chris Costello                                <ch...@calldei.com>
> > RAM DISK is not an installation procedure!
> -- 
> Brian <br...@awfulhak.org>                        <br...@freebsd.org>
>       <http://www.Awfulhak.org>                   <br...@openbsd.org>
> Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour !          <br...@uk.freebsd.org>
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Chris Costello                                <ch...@calldei.com>
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