> From: Seamus Wassman <wass...@direct.ca>
> Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 20:31:00 -0700
> I was quite surprised the First Time I got SPAM through this mailing list,   I
> thought for sure there would be someone to moderate it so that no garbage gets
> through,  I personally find it quite offensive to get SPAM on a help based
> mailing list,   I have been thinking that maybe this list should have someone
> moderating it.  Maybe I am way out of line,  but I thought I would say my
> peice. 

        you are not out of line. ;)

        with volunteers, we could moderate the list(s). mail transfer
would be slower as we wait for the moderator(s) to approve each piece
of email.  if we use more than one moderator per list, the
time-sequence of email would be lost....we would get some very
strange threads...could be enteraining.

        the amount of spam we get is very little.  its easy to delte a
couple messages. i do not believe it is worthwhile ot moderate the


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