Eric Hodel wrote...
> > Hmm, so you did a make world?
> > 
> > I assume you mean "cdcontrol" above, and not "cdrecord".  You can't pause,
> > play, etc., cds with cdrecord.  cdcontrol uses the ioctl interface to the
> > cd driver, and so it shouldn't be affected.
> yes :(
> > Well, can you send me the output of the following commands:
> > 
> > find /usr/include/cam -print |xargs ident

Well, these look right:

> /usr/include/cam/scsi/scsi_pass.h:
>      $Id: scsi_pass.h,v 1.2 1999/05/06 20:16:07 ken Exp $

[ ... ]

> /usr/include/cam/cam_ccb.h:
>      $Id: cam_ccb.h,v 1.5 1999/05/06 20:15:57 ken Exp $

And so does this:

> > ls -la /usr/lib/libcam*
> -r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  55890 May  7 19:39 /usr/lib/libcam.a
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel     11 May  7 19:39 /usr/lib/ ->
> -r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  54350 May  7 19:39 /usr/lib/

So I'm a little confused here.  Does camcontrol work?  Try this:

camcontrol devlist
camcontrol tur -n da -u 0 -v

If that works, can you try compiling tosha again?

Is anyone else having problems?

Kenneth Merry

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