In article <>,
Zach Heilig  <> wrote:
> This is an example of what I just noticed:
> $ ls
> aaa     bbb     ccc
> $ cp aaa bbb
> $ ls
> aaa     ccc
> [ !!!, then a couple seconds later: ]
> $ ls
> aaa     bbb     ccc
> [a few (>5) minutes later in a different vty: ]
> $ cd problem_dir
> $ ls
> aaa     ccc
> [ ugh.. ]
> $ ls
> aaa     bbb     ccc
> [this is a filesystem with soft-updates on]

I'm seeing something possibly related (possibly not) on an Alpha with
this morning's -current.  First I was getting unaligned accesses and
core dumps from the "cp" in /etc/rc that updates the /etc/motd file.
(I added "set -v" to /etc/rc to catch it.)  But I could do the copy by
hand once the system was up.  Now on the latest reboot I got this from

    + cp /tmp/_motd /etc/motd
    + chmod 644 /etc/motd
    chmod: : No such file or directory
    chmod in free(): warning: recursive call
    chmod in free(): warning: recursive call
    chmod in free(): warning: recursive call
    chmod in free(): warning: recursive call

(Hmm, why didn't the filename come out in chmod's error message?)

I'm running with soft-updates but I'll try turning them off.

  John Polstra                                     
  John D. Polstra & Co., Inc.                        Seattle, Washington USA
  "Self-interest is the aphrodisiac of belief."           -- James V. DeLong

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