> Hi,
> thinking about the supposed "fragility" of FreeBSD when mbufs (or
> clusters) are not properly dimensioned: i notice that
> in various places of the code (and this is, i think, 4.4 heritage),
> there are things like
>       m = m_get(M_WAIT, ...)
>       m->m_len = something.
> looking at the code, it seems that m_get() _can_ return a NULL pointer
> even if one specifies M_WAIT.
> Could this be a potential weakness, and in this case, how shuld we go
> and fix it -- by making m_get never return if there is no memory,
> or by hunting all such occurrences of the code ?

I engaged in part of a sweep of this sort with Andrzej a while back, 
but he never committed any of the changes.  I'm not quite sure why.

\\  Sometimes you're ahead,       \\  Mike Smith
\\  sometimes you're behind.      \\  m...@smith.net.au
\\  The race is long, and in the  \\  msm...@freebsd.org
\\  end it's only with yourself.  \\  msm...@cdrom.com

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