On Sat, 8 May 1999, Peter Wemm wrote:

> "Jordan K. Hubbard" wrote:
> > >       sysctlbyname("machdep.uc_devlist", buf, &len, NULL, NULL);
> > 
> > Sorry for the vague first bug report; I hadn't collected a reasonable
> > crashdump yet.  It's in sysctl_machdep_uc_devlist(), specifically
> > where it copies id->id_driver->name into a temporary stack variable.
> > First time through, this thing's NULL and *boom* we're gone.  I'm
> > looking into it.
> Should be fixed as of a few minutes ago in userconfig.c:
> ----------------------------
> revision 1.140
> date: 1999/05/07 16:54:50;  author: peter;  state: Exp;  lines: +34 -2
> Yet another kludge to maintain the isa_device illusion, this time malloc
> an isa_driver and name pointer so the uc_devlist sysctl can get to it.
> ----------------------------

Neither you nor I seem to be happy with the fix. When I added this sysctl,
I only wanted to somehow get to the list of changes from UserConfig
without poking around through kmem. Now, when the changes in the way
devices are registered are introduced, we can think of something else
which could be better suited. For now the only programs that need it are
kget and sysinstall. (i.e. it's still easy to change, if we know what we
want.. :-)

Andrzej Bialecki

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