In reply:
> You need to upgrade to the latest -current. I believe Justin fixed this on
> Wednesday:
> ----------------------------
> revision 1.28
> date: 2000/02/09 21:00:22; author: gibbs; state: Exp; lines: +23 -9
> Fix parity error detection logic for aic7880 and aic7895 chips during
> the probe of external SRAM.
> Approved by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ----------------------------
thanks for the heads-up. i cvsupped and recompiled, and lo and
behold, the problem *IS* fixed.
everyone else, please disregard my previous message and kludge, as
this has been fixed properly by the maintainer.
at least this was a real problem, i was wondering if my motherboard
was a little flaky [after all, it was an ebay] and if i was the only
one with the problem, so i guess this is double good news for me :^)
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