On Fri, 30 Apr 1999, Matthew Dillon wrote:

>     Well, what it comes down to is the number of developers actively
>     developing the codebase.  We had some truely unfortunate timing with
>     people leaving and new people coming on, and pieces of the system ( such
>     as NFS ) that simply were left dangling for a long period of time with
>     nobody actively locating or fixing bugs.  There have been too many critics
>     and not enough people getting into the guts of the code and fixing things.
>     ( Of course, I'm *very* biased here in my opinion :-) ).
>     What it comes down to is that a whole lot of changes were made between
>     2.2.x and 3.0 without enough debugging by the authors.  This kinda 
> resulted
>     in a partially rotting code base even through the 3.1 release, until a
>     number of us got sick and tired of it and started actively tracking down
>     and fixing the bugs.
>     I expect the 3.2 release to be a really good release.
>     It is true that -current has been, more often then not, more stable then
>     -stable in the last two months.  This is because fixes were being made
>     to -current more quickly then they could be backported to -stable.  Most
>     of these fixes *have* been backported at this point.  There are still a 
>     few that have not that are on my hot list ( and still not addressed, even
>     with prodding ).  There are also a few bug fixes that simply cannot be 
>     backported to stable without some pain ( i.e. require the complete
>     replacement of a number of subsystems ), and pain is not in the cards 
>     with the 3.2 release so close.
>     It is hard enough dealing with two branches of the source tree.  I will
>     personally take my Super Soaker 5000 to anyone suggesting that we have
>     *three* !!!!.  Sqirt sqirt sqirt!

5000 is out? YES!!!

>     I am hoping that we will be able to accomplish a major synchronization
>     after the 3.2 release.  I personally believe that -current is stable 
>     enough that we should do one big-assed commit to sync -stable up to the
>     current -current and then continue as per normal.  I only wish EGCS 
>     hadn't been incorporated quite yet.  At the very least, I want to 
>     sync *my* stuff up ( NFS/VM/VFS/BIO/VN/SWAPPER ). 

I wholeheartedly agree with this idea!

>                                               -Matt
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