On Friday, 30 April 1999 at 11:38:32 +0200, Brad Knowles wrote:
> Folks,
>     I don't want to get into any OS wars here, but I'd like to do some
> low-level disk benchmarking of a Linux system using the same tool I used
> for that under FreeBSD, namely Greg Lehey's "rawio" (see
> <ftp://ftp.lemis.com/pub/rawio.tar.gz>).
>     This program was originally written to test his "vinum" software
> mirroring/striping/RAID device driver for FreeBSD (see
> <http://www.lemis.com/vinum.html>), but I believe that it would be
> generally useful to do low-level disk testing under most any *nix OS.
>     Anyway, if there's anyone out there with any experience in porting
> programs that do low-level disk I/O, I'd appreciate it if you could take
> a look at this program and give me some pointers on what it would take to
> get it to compile and run under Linux (specifically, Debian Linux with
> kernel 2.2.6).
>     Also, since I'm not subscribed to either of these mailing lists and I
> can't keep up with the newsgroup gateway for them, I would appreciate it
> if you would also e-mail me any responses you might have on this subject.

I don't really understand why you ask a FreeBSD group about it; it's a
Linux issue.  FWIW, about the only area where you're liable to run
into difficulties is in the disk label handling round line 300, which
is pretty peripheral to the function: it's just there as one way of
finding out the size of the partition.  You'll need in-depth Linux
information to even find out if Linux has an equivalent function.

If you have any other problems, send me the compiler output and I'll
guess at what it might be.

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