On Tue, 27 Apr 1999, Warner Losh wrote:

> In message <199904272310.raa06...@mt.sri.com> Nate Williams writes:
> : Someone submitted a patch that checked to see if the BIOS returned a
> : value > 64M, and if so to 'accept' it's value for the memory, since it's
> : more likely to be correct.  I'd like to apply it to -current, but I'm
> : not sure of the political ramifications....
> I think that it would be OK to do this, especially if you were able to
> sanity check the numbers against something else...  If it isn't
> possible to do a sanity check, then I'd still be tempted to commit it,
> making it an option if it causes problems for a significant number (>
> 1%) of people.

My patch looks like this:

Index: machdep.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/i386/i386/machdep.c,v
retrieving revision 1.330
diff -u -r1.330 machdep.c
--- machdep.c   1999/04/19 14:14:12     1.330
+++ machdep.c   1999/04/26 13:20:30
@@ -1403,8 +1403,9 @@
                if (bootinfo.bi_extmem != biosextmem)
-                       printf("BIOS extmem (%uK) != RTC extmem (%uK)\n",
+                       printf("BIOS extmem (%uK) != RTC extmem (%uK), setting 
to BIOS value\n",
                               bootinfo.bi_extmem, biosextmem);
+               biosextmem = bootinfo.bi_extmem;
 #ifdef SMP

Doug Rabson                             Mail:  d...@nlsystems.com
Nonlinear Systems Ltd.                  Phone: +44 181 442 9037

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