> Steve Kargl wrote:
> > 
> > > > That's a little foolish since we've still not found all the egcs
> > > > optimizer bugs and whatnot; didn't you guys see the one Luigi found
> > > > the other day for ftpd?  Now *that* had to be some obscure debugging
> > > > work! :-)
> > >
> > > Clearly, that goes to show Luigi must have no life... :-)
> > >
> > 
> > "Luigi" is an interesting spelling of "Louqi".
> To my defense, I thought it was Louqi, but since I have been making
> a lot of mistaken comments lately, I decided to trust what Jordan
> has said...
I thought you guys had better things to do other than arguing about how
to spell my name. None of them is correct anyway, it is not even in

> I just wish april would go away, very, very fast...
Here's a challenge to help you get by the rest of the days, figure out
how to write my name, in its original form I was given at birth :-)

> --
> Daniel C. Sobral                      (8-DCS)
> d...@newsguy.com
> d...@freebsd.org
>       "Well, Windows works, using a loose definition of 'works'..."


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