> Hmm, you might like to try this patch and see what happens, there is
> a missing old driver wrapper for the pcm stuff.  As a result, it's not
> getting run from the isa probe.  Regarding the other driver, I'm not
> sure what's going on there as the hooks appear to be present.

Right on, that patch does it for me.

pcm0 at port 0x220 irq 5 drq 1 flags 0x15 on isa0
pcm0: interrupting at irq 5

I've got an old SB16 Value, non-pnp.

mp3s aren't playing quite right with x11amp though, little
skips here and there, they work fine with the old kernel.
mpg123 seems fine, as does the sound in FXTV.
I'll try making the world again.

IPFW works for me...but I'm loading the KLD.

my panasonic cdrom is no longer probed, it uses the matcd driver.
doesn't show up in dmesg at all, but it does in the visual kernel
config thing.  It's so old, I'm not surprised :)

great work!

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