On Thursday, 15 April 1999 at 19:57:39 -0400, Michael E. Mercer wrote:
> Hello,
> I just recently installed freebsd 4.0 snap from 19990304.

That's FreeBSD-current, and that's where you should report problems.
I'm following up there.

> I was able to use mtools package here...
> Then I cvsup'd 4.0 current.
> made world twice..since egcs is used now...
> No problems in compilation... Great...
> However, now I am trying to copy a file from the A drive.
> just tried to look at the drive first...
>> mdir
> There is activity for a bit, the light comes on, then nothing....
> I wait...

OK, what are the details?

> If I pull the disk out before I get these errors..
>> mdir
> fd0c: hard error reading fsbn 0 (No status)
> plain_io: Input/output error
> init A: could not read boot sector
> Cannot initialize 'A:'

That's reasonable.

> I then put the same floppy disk in my other computer
> running pre-egcs 4.0 current, and it works.
> What's wrong...I will try to send my dmesg output if really
> needed...however it will take time..since I have not completely
> set the new computer up.

You need to look at the dump first.

It sounds like you haven't read the fine print.  From "The Complete FreeBSD":

  FreeBSD-CURRENT is the very latest version of FreeBSD, still under
  development.  All new development work is done on this branch of the
  tree.  FreeBSD-CURRENT is an ever-changing snapshot of the working
  sources for FreeBSD, including work in progress, experimental
  changes and transitional mechanisms that may or may not be present
  in the next official release of the software.  Many users compile
  almost daily from FreeBSD-CURRENT sources, but there times when the
  sources are uncompilable.  The problems are always resolved, but
  others can take their place.  On occasion, keeping up with
  FreeBSD-CURRENT can be a full-time business.  If you use -CURRENT,
  you should be prepared to spend a lot of time keeping the system

  You will run into problems with FreeBSD-CURRENT.  When it happens,
  please first read the mailing list and possibly the mail archives
  (see http://www.FreeBSD.ORG/search.html for a search engine) and see
  if the problem has been reported.  If it hasn't, try to investigate
  the problem yourself.  Then send mail to FreeBSD-current describing
  the problem and what you have done to solve it.
  If you experience a panic, please don't just send a message to
  FreeBSD-current saying ``My kernel panics when I type foo''.
  Remember that you're asking somebody to use their spare time to look
  at the problem.  Make it easy for them.  Go through this procedure:
  1. Update to the absolutely latest sources, unless emails have been
     warning against this.
  2. If you have any local patches, back them out.
  3. Recompile, from scratch, your kernel with ddb and with complete
    symbols (see above).  If possible, don't strip your kernel before
    booting.  An unstripped kernel will take up about 8 MB more memory
    than a stripped one, so this is not possible with very small
    memory systems.
    It's still important to build the debug kernel if you do have a small 
    You'll have to strip the version you boot, but you can still  use  the  
    version with gdb to debug a panic dump.
  4. Report all details from the panic.  At an absolute minimum, give
     all information from show reg and trace.
  5. Try to dump the system.
  If you don't do at least this, there isn't much chance that a mail
  message to FreeBSD-current will have much effect.

Since writing that, I think it needs updating.  You should really dump
the system first, and look at the dump.  The handbook tells you what
to do.

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