
I'm getting the 'blocks of NULLs in NFS-mounted files' problem repeatably
with last night's -current (cvsup'd at Wed Apr 14 04:02:34 BST 1999)
running both on server and client (except that the client's kernel is 24hrs
older than that).

It happens during a kernel build on the client, so both the sources and
objects are being accessed via NFS. During the 'generating linker set
emulation glue for ELF' phase, a lot of the .o's turn up with blocks of
NULLs. The rest of the world builds fine, but /usr/obj is local so there is
little or no NFS writing going on in that case.

The client is SMP but it's been doing daily builds with -j8 since that got
sorted out, and anyway it now fails in exactly the same way whether -j is
used or not.

Bob Bishop              (0118) 977 4017  international code +44 118
r...@gid.co.uk        fax (0118) 989 4254  between 0800 and 1800 UK

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