On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, Mikhail Teterin wrote:

> Poul-Henning Kamp once stated:
> =>Well, this is just an implementation detail, is not it? I don't
> =>mean to critisize, or anything, but such thing as "no available
> =>memory" is a fairly intuitive... Coming down, again, the malloc
> =>should return a usable memory if available and NULL if it's not.
> =>Is not this a "natural" semantics? Why can a program die because
> =>_another_ program ate up all the rest of the memory?
> =
> =You know, this strikes me about as productive a discussion as the
> [...]
> =Very very fundamental to UNIX philosophy is the maxim that it is
> =roots responsibility to configure the system right.
> I'm sorry I managed to annoy you. However, a program needs to be
> able to know if it can legally ask for more memory, right? And it
> is "very fundamental to malloc philosophy", that malloc returns
> NULL, when it can not get more memory. Which it apparently does
> now on FreeBSD, but only if the program exceeds an artificial
> datasize limit...

He's not talking about an artificial limit, he's talking about another
user making off with all the memory.  This sounds very bizarre, how can
you possibly ask the system to predict what other user's are going to
ask for, in advance?  You can't possibly get absolute permissions on
malloc'ed area unless you reserve it (and thereby deny the area to other
users, when you might only use a small portion of your reserved area
yourself) or you restrict other's use of malloc'ed memory.

In your request, less users would have their requests satisfied, because
if they allocate 100 MB arrays (where they fill only 1KB with data) they
would actually be hard-reserving all that 100MB.  This doesn't sound
like any reasonable policy for general purpose use (although it might
very well suit your purposes).

These are fundamental design problems (which you have been told already)
and the way that FreeBSD chooses to act is arguably a very good one.
There is nothing here that violates any fundamental rules, because we
are talking about OS wide allocation strategies.  If you need
guarantees, then you have to buy more memory, more swap, and have less
hungry users.

> And if it is not set, it the administrator's problem? May be...
> Should we, perhaps, have it documented in a number of places,
> including malloc(3)?
> My other problem with the artificial limits, is that I can only
> specify the absolute figures. Besides an ability to use Mb, Gb,
> Kb, I'd like to have % there... And, as I mentioned before, an
> ability to distribute the class database over NIS...
>       -mi
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