On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, Alfred Perlstein wrote:

> On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, Ladavac Marino wrote:
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From:     Mikhail Teterin [SMTP:m...@misha.cisco.com]
> > > Sent:     Wednesday, April 14, 1999 12:45 AM
> > > To:       curr...@freebsd.org
> > > Subject:  Re: swap-related problems
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Well, this is just an implementation detail, is not it? I don't
> > > mean to critisize, or anything, but such thing as "no available
> > > memory" is a fairly intuitive... Coming down, again, the malloc
> > > should return a usable memory if available and NULL if it's not.
> > > Is not this a "natural" semantics? Why can a program die because
> > > _another_ program ate up all the rest of the memory?
> > > 
> > > 
> >     [ML]  This is a common problem for any OS that implements memory
> > overcommit.  This means that it is not possible to detect an out-of-swap
> > condition sinchronously as the swap is reserved only when the pages are
> > dirtied and not when brk is grown.  This means that you can set brk a
> > gigabyte higher (given that your user limits allow that), and you will
> > not be using swap as long as you do not write to the pages you
> > "allocated" to the process.
> > 
> >     Another strategy is to reserve the swap space as soon as it is
> > allocated by the program.  This strategy is much more conservative and
> > inherently safer, but it needs much more space: for instance, if you
> > have a program with WSS of a gigabyte and you want to system( "date" ),
> > you will need at least 2 gigs of swap because system() does fork() first
> > which means that you get 2 copies of your big program and the system
> > cannot know that in one of the copies an exec() will be shortly
> > forthcoming--thus, it has to reserve the full WSS for the copy because
> > it will potentially write to all pages of its WSS.
> An interesting idea would be to mark this process as killable if COW
> causes an out of swap condition.  Another interesting application would
> be a fork() call that checks this condition and fails if there is
> potential for overcommit.  forkifavail()
> Basically anyone doing a system("date"); should be using vfork (yes
> i can see when vfork is not sufficient)
> This would sort of be like a soft limit on memory allocation and hint
> to the kernel of which processes are the ones causeing overcommit.
> basically at a certain point, sbrk will fail and forked processes
> would be marked killable...
> does this make sense?
> has the idea of processes running with uid < 10 or just root being
> excempt from this "frantic kill" ?

This isn't really a great idea since it would be changing the Unix
API. However, I agree that processes with exclusive use of the video
hardware  should not be killed by the system *COUGH XFree86 COUGH*.

> -Alfred
> > 
> >     It would be nice if memory overcommit were configurable (on-off,
> > or per process).
> > 
> >     /Marino
> > 
> > 
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> Alfred Perlstein - Admin, coder, and admirer of all things BSD.
> -- There are operating systems, and then there's FreeBSD.
> -- http://www.freebsd.org/                        4.0-current
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