In article <>,
Thomas Schuerger  <> wrote:
> Is there any way to make cvsup update its GUI properly? The window
> is almost dead when cvsup is performing updates, e.g. cvsup will update
> the window's contents very infrequently, which is rather anoying. Perhaps
> it would be a good idea to put GUI handling into a separate thread.

It _is_ in a separate thread.  You just need a faster CPU, or SCSI
disks. :-) Running FreeBSD-3.1 with soft-updates enabled might help.

Also, try the "-s" option.  (Read about it first in cvsup(1).)  It
greatly reduces disk activity and will make your updates go faster,
possibly with snappier GUI updates too.

The GUI performance varies widely between systems.  It was so-so
on my old P/90, but it's pretty good on my PII/400.  It may be the
disk activity that kills the GUI performance.  Disk operations are
non-interruptible, so if the disk is really busy the GUI thread
doesn't get control often enough.  (I'm guessing and could be totally
wrong, though.)

  John Polstra                                     
  John D. Polstra & Co., Inc.                        Seattle, Washington USA
  "Self-interest is the aphrodisiac of belief."           -- James V. DeLong

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