> I haven't been able to get a working SMP kernel out of -CURRENT recently.
> I don't know exactly when it broke, because I usually rebuild on a weekly
> basis.  The kernel hangs after:
> APIC_IO: Testing 8254 interrupt delivery
> and doesn't ever come back (panic or otherwise).
> The one thing that I noticed is that on the older kernels, CPU#1 is
> launched after the APIC_IO Testing and Routing.  On the newer kernels,
> CPU#1 is launched far earlier.
> Anybody have any ideas?

You might want to try this patch, which disables the early start of CPU#1.

Index: mp_machdep.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/i386/i386/mp_machdep.c,v
retrieving revision 1.96
diff -u -r1.96 mp_machdep.c
--- mp_machdep.c        1999/04/11 00:43:43     1.96
+++ mp_machdep.c        1999/04/13 02:08:54
@@ -1930,9 +1930,11 @@
        for (i = 0; i < mp_ncpus; i++) {
                bcopy( (int *) PTD + KPTDI, (int *) IdlePTDS[i] + KPTDI, NKPDE 
* sizeof (int));
+#if 0
        if (smp_started == 0)
                printf("WARNING: Failed to start all APs\n");
        /* number of APs actually started */
        return mp_ncpus - 1;

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