For some years I have been using patched utilities under SunOS to show full host names in the output from the 'who', 'finger', and 'last' commands. (Traditional UNIXes truncate host names to about 16 characters.)
I have been thinking of patching FreeBSD programs to do the same, but since I have been updating my source tree often, it will be a bit painful to maintain my changes through the updates. So I will do it only if the FreeBSD developers would be willing to incorporate my changes into the official FreeBSD source tree. Below is what I would do -- tell me if it could be make a part of FreeBSD. - Update all programs that write to utmp and wtmp to check the host name length, and if it's too long, insert the IP address instead - Update all of the above programs, if they accept a host name on the command line, to also accept an additional argument that specifies the IP address. - Update all programs that invoke the above programs and supply a host name to also supply the IP address. - Update all programs that look up wtmp and utmp such that, if they find an IP address, they do a double-reverse DNS resolution (IP address -> fqdn -> IP address) and, if successful and consistent, display the host name instead of the IP address. The user may if he wishes supply a command-line argument to suppress the reverse resolution and cause the IP address to be displayed directly. For example, rlogind might invoke /usr/bin/login as: /usr/bin/login -h -i /usr/bin/login notices that the host name is too long, inserts into utmp and wtmp. If no -i argument is available, /usr/bin/login would do a forward DNS resolution of the host name to get the IP address. Below are samples from the 'last' and 'finger' commands with only the really long host names included and some information x'd out to protect user privacy. (Obviously comumnar alignment doesn't work as well for very long host names, but only a small fraction are that long. The rest will display normally in aligned columns.) == output from 'finger == Login Name Idle When Where xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 7 Apr 9 13:14 xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Apr 10 16:37 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 8 Apr 10 16:48 xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Apr 9 23:35 \ xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx * 10 Apr 10 16:44 == output from 'last' == xxx s1 Sat Apr 10 16:50 - 16:50 (00:00) xxxxxx rd Sat Apr 10 16:48 - 16:51 (00:03) xxxx p6 Sat Apr 10 15:36 - 15:39 (00:03) xxxxx s2 Sat Apr 10 13:51 - 13:52 (00:00) xxxxxxxx sb Sat Apr 10 12:54 - 14:54 (02:00) xxxxxx s2 Sat Apr 10 12:37 - 12:40 (00:02) xxxx r2 Sat Apr 10 11:41 - 13:58 (02:17) xxxxxxx q8 Sat Apr 10 08:28 - 13:30 (05:01) == END == To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message