On 09-Apr-99 Rod Taylor wrote:
>  My Joliet formated cd's aren't mounting with the Joliet extensions.  I
>  believe I saw that FreeBSD supported these extensions.  I'm mounting
>  mostly recorded cds, in older nec cdrom drives.  (OS/2 mounts joliet
>  extensions fine on same machine).

There are patches which add Joliet support, but they don't work 100%..

I have a CD which gets mangled with the patches, so I haven't submitted them
yet :)

>  Some disks done mount at all, and are complained about.  It reports that
>  the cd just plain old 'does not exist'.

? You mean you get an I/O error? A Joliet CD should mount, just that you'll get
Windows short names instead of long names.

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
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are so many of them to choose from."
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