On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, Chris Costello wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 7, 1999, Kenneth Wayne Culver wrote:
> > I can't get a make world to work with egcs. I deleted the whole obj
> > directory, and recvsuppped the entire source tree, and it still doesn't
> > work. Every time I cvsup I get a different error while compiling. 
>    CVSup now, and build world.  Do _not_ attempt to build world with
> the -j flag, dependancies will fail to build properly and the compile
> will certainly fail.
And note that there have been several little bugs that have been cleared
already, so if it doesn't do it the first time, have faith and cvsup
again.  It's built twice bad for me (the first 2 times) and since, twice

> -Chris
> > 
> > Please Help.
> > 
> > Kenneth Culver
> > 
> > 
> > 
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