> :It's not just a matter of turning them off though. A few of the games in the
> :distro are trademark infringements. While the product I'm developing that
> :uses FreeBSD doesn't have the games installed, it brought up the comment
> :from our lawyers "What else are they infringing on that we *are* using?"
> :
> :(see trek, mille, boggle, tetris, wargames)
> :
> :Kevin
>     Tetris hasn't been in the distribution for a while.

Oops, i did an 'ls /usr/games' on a machine that's been around since 2.2.2.
Ok, forget tetris.

>     Your lawyers need a dose of reality if they think the existance of
>     the other games in a distribution could ever come back to haunt you
>     or your company.  Tell them to screw their heads on straight and try
>     again.  If your really worried, just delete them.

That wasn't really the issue though. It's that FreeBSD is infringing on
trademarks in the games distribution, so what's to make them think that the
vm system isn't an infringement? (i.e. "They're the type of people who don't
care about trademarks/copyrights. How can we trust this code?") It also
probably doesn't help things that i'm working for a video game company.

/usr/games is deleted here, anyway. :)


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