You may want to try upgrading your linux libraries... they may be old... I
don't have these problems though... Netscape rarely crashes for me.
| Kenneth Culver | FreeBSD: The best OS around. |
| Unix Systems Administrator | ICQ #: 24767726 |
| and student at The | AIM: muythaibxr |
| The University of Maryland, | Website: (Under Construction) |
| College Park. ||
On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, Alex Le Heux wrote:
> Hi,
> Am I the only one who's experiencing an amzing amount of crashes on
> Netscape?
> It's been going on for quite some time now (months), upgrading Netscape or
> switching from the Linux to the FreeBSD to the BSDI version doesn't help.
> The most stable version seems to be the Linux version, but that even
> crashes 5-10 times per day. It will *always* crash when a page uses java,
> but I've not been able to find a non-java page that will always crash it.
> Is it just me? All the people I know who run various versions of FreeBSD
> say it's not so bad.
> Alex
> --
> <inof> "What is this talk of 'release'? We do not make software
> 'releases'. Our software 'escapes', leaving a
> bloody trail of designers and quality assurance people in its
> wake."
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