:Thanks for the pointer.  This seems to have been the problem and I have it
:booting now.  As a followup, is it possible to specify boot parameters
:(i.e. splash screen, pnp config, etc) on a machine that is net booting?
:Thanks for the help.
:On Sun, 14 Mar 1999, Matthew Dillon wrote:
:>     I had a very weird problem with the new parallel port device that caused

    Try this patch.  This is what I had to do to make my machines work 
    without crashing.

    If this solves your problem, I would really appreciate it if the
    people developing the new parallel port stuff would look into it
    further and perhaps make these probes optional rather then the
    default.  This could become a disaster if it remains a problem through
    on the next release.

                                        Matthew Dillon 

Index: i386/isa/ppc.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/i386/isa/ppc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -u -r1.20 ppc.c
--- ppc.c       1999/02/14 22:02:47     1.20
+++ ppc.c       1999/03/15 21:32:40
@@ -1066,9 +1066,11 @@
        /* list of supported chipsets */
        int (*chipset_detect[])(struct ppc_data *, int) = {
+#if 0

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