p...@originative.co.uk wrote:
> Hmm, feeling of deja-vu here :-)

It was on purpose. :-)

> Why do we need three levels of config files? Can't we make do with two?

Yes, two are enough.

> Configuration of the system is becoming more and more of a horrible mess of
> spaghetti.

That's an unavoidable trade off of flexibility.

> I think /boot/defaults/loader.conf and /boot/loader.conf should be enough.
> It's just confusing otherwise, if I change something with sysinstall I may,
> or may not, cause an effect depending on whether I've twiddled the same knob
> in loader.conf.local.

Then don't use loader.conf.local.

> I see sysinstall as just an alternative user interface to vi or emacs for
> editing options. Is there something awkward about the way sysinstall works
> that requires it to have its own config file?

No. Well, sysinstall doesn't even touch these files yet, but I don't
expect it to do anything strange. You can safely use just two files.
If you don't want a third (or fourth, fifth, whatever) file, just do
not create/use them.

There are people who *really* prefer not to have their stuff touched
by anything. That's why the support exists.

Daniel C. Sobral                        (8-DCS)

        "FreeBSD is Yoda, Linux is Luke Skywalker."

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