Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> All this including of files is going to get damn confusing
> for newbies.

Hopefully, they won't have to touch them directly, and just use

> It's also unlike anything i've ever seen before...

Actually, it reminds me of the Linux boot loader a little tiny
bit... :-) And you could certainly make comparisons with OpenBoot.
But, aside from that, you are on the mark here. The new loader gave
us a lot of power, and we are not exactly sure how to put that to
good use. Up to now, it meant putting actual code inside loader.rc,
which results in all sorts of trouble. Using a configuration files
is a natural solution for that, and the similarities with rc.conf
will, hopefully, make using it easier.

Also hopefully, we'll get feedback to correct any mistakes before we
get this back to -stable. :-)

Daniel C. Sobral                        (8-DCS)

        "FreeBSD is Yoda, Linux is Luke Skywalker."

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