[moved from -current to -questions]

On Tuesday,  2 March 1999 at 22:54:06 +0000, t...@scratch.demon.co.uk wrote:
> Help..
> =======

FreeBSD-CURRENT is designed for discussions about (wait for it)
FreeBSD-CURRENT.  It is not an appropriate forum for this question.
You've already sent a (different) question on this subject to
-questions.  That's the correct place, so I'm sending it back there.

> vinum - is this volume management such like vold in solaris ?

I believe it has a similar function.  There are other volds which
apparently do different things.

> am I correct in assuming that the initial boot device cannot be a part
> of a vinum volume ?

Currently.  It's on the wish list, and will get done.

> If this is the case then I would need my vinum information on the
> initial disk, and can move information from one disk to another, create
> a vinum disk and move the information back again ?

I'm not quite sure what you mean here.  In any case, it depends on
your requirements.  You can create a file system with just about
everything from the root file system except the kernel, and mount that
on a Vinum volume.  That would be easier than what you propose, and
since the kernel file isn't needed too much after booting, it would
give you a pretty good resilience.

> Is it advantageous to be running vinum ?

There are advantages to running vinum, otherwise it wouldn't exist.
Only you can determine whether it's right for you.

> Is there any documentation other than the manpages on this, i.e
> html. ?

Take a look at http://www.lemis.com/vinum.html.

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  • vinum tim
    • Re: vinum Greg Lehey

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