I tried to use the ZIP-disk with the native file format:

First i made everything clean "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rwfd0 count=2"
  2+0 records in
  2+0 records out
  1024 bytes transferred in 0.040078 secs (25550 bytes/sec)

then i invoced "disklabel -rw wfd0 zip100"
   disklabel: ioctl DIOCWLABEL: Inappropriate ioctl for device

then i created a fs with "newfs /dev/rwfd0c zip100"
  Warning: Block size and bytes per inode restrict cylinders per group to 5.
 /dev/rwfd0c:    196608 sectors in 48 cylinders of 1 tracks, 4096 sectors
        96.0MB in 10 cyl groups (5 c/g, 10.00MB/g, 4640 i/g)
 super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 20512, 40992, 61472, 81952, 102432, 122912, 143392, 163872, 184352,

then i continued with

mount /dev/wfd0c /mnt 
-->/dev/wfd0c      92367        0    84978     0%    /mnt

when copying something to /mnt,
i see with dmesg

ata0: unwanted interrupt
ata0: unwanted interrupt
atapi_transfer: bad command phase

Fritz Heinrichmeyer mailto:fritz.heinrichme...@fernuni-hagen.de
FernUniversitaet Hagen, LG Elektronische Schaltungen, 58084 Hagen (Germany)
tel:+49 2331/987-1166 fax:987-355 http://ES-i2.fernuni-hagen.de/~jfh
PGP fingerprint (mail for key): 160BDF84 3F2F63C0  5CA20D31 3E42D116

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