>   I don't remember who suggested it a couple of days ago, but I thought it
> was a good idea: to simply extend the wiring-down scheme that we already
> have to support ATA devices too. He also suggested a more universal device
> name like drv0, drv1, drv2, etc rather than deliniating between whether the
> drive is ATA or SCSI...I also think that is a good idea as I don't see any
> good reason an application should care whether the drive is ATA or SCSI, as
> long as the functionality is provided does it matter how?

Agreed. I had always assumed that this was part of the reason for the name
change sd -> da, namely that da would (eventually) cover ATA disks also.

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sth...@nethelp.no

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