On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, David O'Brien wrote: > > .if defined(WANT_SHAREDLIBS) > > CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-shared > > .endif > > > > in it. That's not particularly friendly, I wonder why it was put in > > there, unless the feature is somehow broken? I'm trying to rebuild it > > now to see what it then installs. > > Because people like a previous poster thinks that eg++ should like > against /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.2 which is plain WRONG. eg++ is totally > incompatable with g++ 2.7.x. So what happens when you move an eg++ > produced binary to a machine that doesn't have EGCS installed?
OK, but listing from my gcc-lib/i386-unknown-freebsd4.0/egcs-2.91.62 gives: SYSCALLS.c.X crtbeginS.o libiberty.a cc1* crtend.o libobjc.a cc1obj* crtendS.o libstdc++.a cc1plus* f771* libstdc++.so@ collect2* include/ libstdc++.so.2.9@ cpp* libg2c.a libstdc++.so.2.9.0* crtbegin.o libgcc.a specs (I compiled this with the WANT_SHAREDLIBS on). It seems to make a libstdc++.so.2.9 .... my first guess is, we'd want to bump the number so that it fits the form for our loader (one rev number, not two) and use it like the old one. It's the new form, done for egcs, it should work, right? If you move it to a machine without version 3 installed, it'll complain, right? I'm learning here, don't get upset if I'm all wet. Another thing I note is that, unlike all the rest of the snapshots of egcs, the pre-release version (and seemingly only the prerelease version) that the port uses has gcj, the java tool, cut out. That seems kind of a shame, doesn't it? I tried taking the gcj part out of the latest egcs snap, and dropping it inplace in the prerelease version. Cygnus supplies the tarball for the gcc/java directory separately (if you want it), bless them! It configures ok (I *think*) with --enable-java, but it won't finish compiling. It's Makefile isn't correct, doesn't have a rule for an object file gcj needs (lost the error listing, I just had a freezeup). I'm out of time tonight. I think you're telling me to redo my egcs install with the WANT_SHAREDLIBS off, right? And you're going to have the libstdc++ ported (I read that, right?) so I should just maybe be patient? ----------------------------+----------------------------------------------- Chuck Robey | Interests include any kind of voice or data chu...@glue.umd.edu | communications topic, C programming, and Unix. 213 Lakeside Drive Apt T-1 | Greenbelt, MD 20770 | I run picnic (FreeBSD-current) (301) 220-2114 | and jaunt (Solaris7). ----------------------------+----------------------------------------------- To Unsubscribe: send mail to majord...@freebsd.org with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message