On Wednesday, 27 January 1999 at 18:17:20 -0800, Chris Piazza wrote:
> On 28-Feb-99 Greg Lehey wrote:
>> I've been given some code for recognizing and initializing Sis 5591
>> chipsets.  In particular, it solves a recently introduced problem with
>> IDE Ultra DMA.  It works fine for me, modulo a couple of puzzling
>> messages in the verbose probes, which I'll remove when I've had time
>> to study the data sheet.  What I want to do now is to get it looked at
>> by as many people as possible before committing it.
>> If you have a motherboard with this chipset (and no other, not even
>> other SiS chipsets), you can pick up
>> ftp://ftp.lemis.com/pub/ide_pci.c.  It's based on the current (since
>> 17 January) version and goes in /sys/pci.  If you do,
>> please let me know how it works for you.
> Great, I was waiting for this..
> Seems to work fine:

Good to hear.

> wdc0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7 irq 14 flags 0xa000a000 on isa
> wdc0: unit 0 (wd0): <Maxtor 82560 A4  ->, DMA, 32-bit
> wd0: 2442MB (5001696 sectors), 4962 cyls, 16 heads, 63 S/T, 512 B/S
> wdc0: unit 1 (wd1): <FUJITSU MPC3102AT  E>, DMA, 32-bit
> wd1: 9765MB (20000536 sectors), 19841 cyls, 16 heads, 63 S/T, 512 B/S
> wdc1 at 0x170-0x177 irq 15 on isa
> wdc1: unit 0 (atapi): <FX120T/b03>, removable, intr, dma, iordis
> acd0: drive speed 2066KB/sec, 256KB cache
> acd0: supported read types: CD-DA
> acd0: Audio: play, 255 volume levels
> acd0: Mechanism: ejectable tray
> acd0: Medium: CD-ROM 120mm audio disc loaded, unlocked

Try enabling UDMA on wdc1 and see if things still work OK.  You could
also enable multi-block DMA on both controllers.  I use the flags
0xa0ffa0ff, which does both of these things.  Also, if you could send
me the output of a verbose boot, it would be interesting.
Unfortunately, you'll need to change your kernel config to save that
much output:

options         "MSGBUF_SIZE=32768"     # big msgbuf

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