>> Nope, that code snippet is in atapi.c its not in any of the drivers...
>> (and newer has been).
>You're right. Goes to show how long I haven't touched this part of
>the code. Alas, just reviewed it out of curiosity. It sure got more
>readable... :-) But I still hate those inb loops without DELAY...

There's only one, at least in my version.

I sent this in for review a year or so ago, but received no reply.
The main points are that it honours ATA timing in atapi_wait() and
checks for ARS_BUSY in atapi_wait().  This hopefully makes bogus checks
like the one in rev.1.22 unnecessary (status 0xff has ARS_BSY set so it
is invalid).  I haven't tested the PC98 case.  I removed PC98 code that
seems to only compensate for bugs in atapi_wait().


diff -c2 atapi.c~ atapi.c
*** atapi.c~    Sat Feb 27 19:05:47 1999
--- atapi.c     Tue Dec 29 01:17:34 1998
*** 229,234 ****
        if (ata->accel && ata->intrcmd) {
!       ata->intrcmd = 0;
!       ata->slow = 1;
--- 229,234 ----
        if (ata->accel && ata->intrcmd) {
!               ata->intrcmd = 0;
!               ata->slow = 1;
*** 399,414 ****
        struct atapi_params *ap;
        char tb [DEV_BSIZE];
- #ifdef PC98
-       int cnt;
-       outb(0x432,unit%2); 
-       print(("unit = %d,select %d\n",unit,unit%2)); 
- #endif
        /* Wait for controller not busy. */
- #ifdef PC98
-       outb (port + AR_DRIVE, unit / 2 ? ARD_DRIVE1 : ARD_DRIVE0);
- #else
-       outb (port + AR_DRIVE, unit ? ARD_DRIVE1 : ARD_DRIVE0);
- #endif
        if (atapi_wait (port, 0) < 0) {
                print (("atapiX.%d at 0x%x: controller busy, status=%b\n",
--- 399,404 ----
*** 417,461 ****
!       /* Issue ATAPI IDENTIFY command. */
  #ifdef PC98
!       outb (port + AR_DRIVE, unit/2 ? ARD_DRIVE1 : ARD_DRIVE0);
!       /* Wait for DRQ deassert. */
!       for (cnt=2000; cnt>0; --cnt)
!         if (! (inb (port + AR_STATUS) & ARS_DRQ))
!           break;
!       outb (port + AR_COMMAND, ATAPIC_IDENTIFY);
!       DELAY(500);
        outb (port + AR_DRIVE, unit ? ARD_DRIVE1 : ARD_DRIVE0);
-       outb (port + AR_COMMAND, ATAPIC_IDENTIFY);
!       /* Check that device is present. */
!       if (inb (port + AR_STATUS) == 0xff) {
!               print (("atapiX.%d at 0x%x: no device\n", unit, port));
!               if (unit == 1)
!                       /* Select unit 0. */
!                       outb (port + AR_DRIVE, ARD_DRIVE0);
                return (0);
        /* Wait for data ready. */
        if (atapi_wait (port, ARS_DRQ) != 0) {
                print (("atapiX.%d at 0x%x: identify not ready, status=%b\n",
                        unit, port, inb (port + AR_STATUS), ARS_BITS));
-               if (unit == 1)
-                       /* Select unit 0. */
-                       outb (port + AR_DRIVE, ARD_DRIVE0);
-               return (0);
-       }
-       /* check that DRQ isn't a fake */
-       if (inb (port + AR_STATUS) == 0xff) {
-               print (("atapiX.%d at 0x%x: no device\n", unit, port));
-               if (unit == 1)
-                       /* Select unit 0. */
-                       outb (port + AR_DRIVE, ARD_DRIVE0);
                return (0);
--- 407,434 ----
!       /* Select the drive. */
  #ifdef PC98
!       /* XXX what is this? */
!       outb(0x432,unit%2); 
!       print(("unit = %d,select %d\n",unit,unit%2)); 
!       outb (port + AR_DRIVE, unit / 2 ? ARD_DRIVE1 : ARD_DRIVE0);
        outb (port + AR_DRIVE, unit ? ARD_DRIVE1 : ARD_DRIVE0);
!       /* Wait for controller not busy again.  Necessary? */
!       if (atapi_wait (port, 0) < 0) {
!               print (("atapiX.%d at 0x%x: controller busy, status=%b\n",
!                       unit, port, inb (port + AR_STATUS), ARS_BITS));
                return (0);
+       /* Issue ATAPI IDENTIFY command. */
+       outb (port + AR_COMMAND, ATAPIC_IDENTIFY);
        /* Wait for data ready. */
        if (atapi_wait (port, ARS_DRQ) != 0) {
                print (("atapiX.%d at 0x%x: identify not ready, status=%b\n",
                        unit, port, inb (port + AR_STATUS), ARS_BITS));
                return (0);
*** 499,503 ****
        u_char s;
!       /* Wait 5 sec for BUSY deassert. */
        for (cnt=500000; cnt>0; --cnt) {
                s = inb (port + AR_STATUS);
--- 472,479 ----
        u_char s;
!       /* Wait at least 400 nsec for BSY to become valid. */
!       DELAY(1);
!       /* Wait 5 sec for BSY deassert. */
        for (cnt=500000; cnt>0; --cnt) {
                s = inb (port + AR_STATUS);
*** 511,518 ****
                return (s & ARS_CHECK);
!       /* Wait 50 msec for bits wanted. */
        for (cnt=5000; cnt>0; --cnt) {
                s = inb (port + AR_STATUS);
!               if ((s & bits_wanted) == bits_wanted)
                        return (s & ARS_CHECK);
                DELAY (10);
--- 487,494 ----
                return (s & ARS_CHECK);
!       /* Wait 50 msec for bits wanted and BSY still deasserted. */
        for (cnt=5000; cnt>0; --cnt) {
                s = inb (port + AR_STATUS);
!               if ((s & (bits_wanted | ARS_BSY)) == bits_wanted)
                        return (s & ARS_CHECK);
                DELAY (10);
*** 1019,1023 ****
  extern int atapi_lock (int ctlr);
! extern void wdintr (int);
--- 995,999 ----
  extern int atapi_lock (int ctlr);
! void wdintr(void *vunit);

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