On Tue, Feb 16, 1999 at 10:16:05PM -0700, Warner Losh wrote:
>In message <199902141331.faa27...@hub.freebsd.org> "Jonathan M. Bresler" 
>:   how much information about this should be included in
>:   /usr/src/UPDATING?   the entry there talks about the change but does
>:   not provide enough information to successfully upgrade (ppc0 is not
>:   mentioned, nor does it provide a pointer to where to go for  more
>:   information.)  ;(
>I'm about to commit a change to UPDATING to point to this URL and man
>page.  I'm just now catching up from being gone for a week.

Thanks, I've update the web page since you refer to it in UPDATING.


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