Søren Schmidt writes:
 > If you have questions, I might be able to answer, having just written
 > the support for our new ata/atapi system....

Is this new ata/atapi system the rumored rewrite of the existing IDE
(i386/isa/wd.c, /pci/ide_pci.c) driver?  How close are you to

I have a slightly off-track question -- should I be able to throw 3 of
these boards in a modern (440bx based) motherboard, and run 6 ATA
disks (1 per controller, 2 controllers per card) & expect things to
'just work' or should I expect problems?  LINT doesn't list example
configs beyond 1 Promise in addition to the on-board controllers, so
I'm wondering if anybody's ever tested a config like this...?


Andrew Gallatin, Sr Systems Programmer  http://www.cs.duke.edu/~gallatin
Duke University                         Email: galla...@cs.duke.edu
Department of Computer Science          Phone: (919) 660-6590

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