>On Thu, 11 Feb 1999 09:15:29 -0800 
> "Justin C. Walker" <jus...@apple.com> wrote:
> >  I can say that our implementation doesn't seem to =
> > suffer from this problem.  Could be there's an issue in the use of =
> > PRUS_* v. the socket state we use.  The code in my kernel looks like:
>The NetBSD code looks pretty much just like this, and also does not
>suffer from an mbuf cluster leak of any kind.

I'll take a look at the NetBSD code when I have a chance.  Are you sure
you just have not seen it though?  I only see it over gigabit ethernet,
and even then only when doing lots of large writes.  Perhaps it is a
timing issue?

I am only pointing out what I see.  It does not happen with source from
before this change--so what else should I think?  You are welcome to
take a glance at my driver, although I don't think it is the problem.
There are only 2 places where clusters are touched, and they never
become seperate from the mbuf header.  But I don't see any mbuf leak..


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